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Free Download | AppleScript: A Beginner's Guide Pdf

Learn to program in AppleScript, the versatile scripting language built right into Mac OS X and supported by most major applications. AppleScript: A Beginner's Guide shows you how to write powerful scripts with the AppleScript Editor to automate tasks, save time and effort, and automatically generate documents, spreadsheets, and e-mail messages. Debugging and error handling are also covered in this fast-paced tutorial. This book fails in some pretty key areas of teaching Applescript. Especially in explaining a lot of the unique syntax issues with Applescript. After reading this book my scripts were sound but 99% of my errors were based on my incorrect use of syntax. It was VERY frustrating. I finally had to grab some other books that clarified to me what this book should have explained. In addition, the biggest flaw is that the code written in this book is not available to download (or included on a CD). I had to go in and retype all of the examples in the book. The website claims you can download the code but it's not available and the publisher couldn't find it on the link either. I'd say you would be well advised to pick up a different applescript book.