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Free Download - The C++ Standard Library Extensions Pdf

The current C++ standard library extends the core C++ language with common classes and functions. In recent years, to address limitations in that library, a number of components have been developed to extend the language even further. Compiled in a comprehensive technical report (TR1), the bulk of these extensions have been approved for the next revision of the C++ standard.

In this book, Pete Becker describes in detail each component in the TR1 library, explaining new facilities for utilities, containers, call wrappers, type traits, numerics, regular expressions, and C compatibility. He draws on his own experience implementing these components to illustrate their value, clarifying the specifications when necessary and providing complete, tested code examples.

Most chapters include exercises of various degrees of difficulty to help programmers get hands-on practice with the new components. Answers to the exercises, along with all code examples, are available on the Web. Appendixes comprise a summary of headers included in or extended by the TR1 library, as well as guidelines on how to use the components safely in multithreaded applications.